
Reaper 3.03

Reaper - компактный аудиоредактор для создания, редактирования и записи многоканальных аудиотреков с возможностью обработки каждого трека по отдельности. REAPER позволяет применять во время обработки аудио множество эффектов, поддерживает технологии ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut и DirectSound воспроизведение и запись. Поддерживает работу с файлами в форматах WAV, OGG, MP3, MIDI (чтение) и WAV, MIDI (запись), управление уровнем громкости, изменение границ трека, допускает многоуровневый откат/повтор выполненных операций и многое другое.

Basic features:

  • 64 bit audio engine
  • Excellent low-latency performance
  • Multiprocessor capable
  • Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
  • Extremely flexible routing
  • Fast, tool-less editing
  • Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
  • Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
  • ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
  • Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB

Editing features:

  • Tool-less mouse interface -- spend less time clicking
  • Drag and drop files to instantly import them into a project
  • Support for mixing any combination of file type/samplerate/bit depth on each track
  • Easily split, move, and resize items
  • Each item has easily manipulated fades and volume
  • Tab to transient support
  • Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items
  • Per-item pitch shift and time stretch
  • Arbitrary item grouping
  • Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations
  • Ripple editing - moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items
  • Multiple tempos and time signatures per project
  • Ability to define and edit project via regions
  • Automation envelopes

What's new:

  • Fixes for action to crossfade at selection
  • Crossfade at selection automatically splits an enclosing item
  • VKB performance improvement (especially on WINE)
  • Peak caches: better validation of timestamps for varying timezones and filesystems
  • Draw correct crossfades when an item sits on top of another item
  • X key is mapped to crossfade selected items action by default
  • Fixed delay compensation of untouched track channels for VSTs with latency decrease (ReaFIR etc)
  • Fixed delay compensation on untouched track channels for JS (including ReaMote)
  • ReaMote: fixed network thrashing with automated fx parameters
  • MIDI editor: removed snap behavior where snapping is disabled more than 100px from grid
  • Render: option to render at project samplerate, but output at a different rate (apply SRC last)
  • Fixed bug when undoing on certain projects with envelope lanes visible
  • Fixed bug storing online rendering to project file
  • Online rendering will pause for a few seconds before rendering to allow hardware to switch samplerates if necessary
  • Project setting for item mix behavior (items can mix, replace earlier items, or replace enclosing items)
  • Actions to enable or disable auto-crossfade on split
  • -renderproject hides main window from view
  • Fix for plugins that create multiple envelopes when loaded with automation write on
  • Fixed MIDI editor actions to move multiple notes up or down
  • Track MIDI input can be mapped to any channel
  • Fixed move cursor to start of previous measure action when starting on beat
  • Preliminary wet/dry knob for FX
  • Look for embedded track name event when importing single-track MIDI
  • Option to not reset MIDI CC on stop
  • Queued (batch) rendering support (Queue render button in render dialog, menu/action to bring up queue)
  • MIDI editor: control-drag also copies CC messages when moving CC with notes
  • Action to toggle maximize all tracks will maximize first
  • Fixed adding tempo events via transport when tempo envelope is hidden
  • Support for changing BPM from within ReWire slaves
  • User config for external MIDI output threading (restricted to one thread by default)
  • Fix for ripple editing + tempo marker issues
  • OSX: better hidden-mouse UI behavior (with Synergy detection as well)
  • OSX: cleaner looking buttons/popup buttons (todo combo boxes)
  • OSX: enabled FX folder rename/delete, drag FX into folder
  • OSX: fixed item fadein cursor
  • OSX: better support for detecting mouse activation for BFD2 etc
  • Internal queue optimizations


Скачать Reaper 3.03 (4,6 МБ):

naxal4ik 16/06/09 Просмотров: 2177